Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Assignment #4 My notes on episode 1150

- date (noun)

  • involve in a romantic relationship but not yet married or to have a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • romantic appointment with someone who you are romantically interested in
go out with someone
  • to be dating someone 
  • go out on a date with someone
- change the subject
  • to stop talking about one thing and begin talking something else, especially when you don't want to talk about the topic

- you're not getting any younger (expression)

  • an expression means he/she may soon too old to do something
- moving on
  • a phrase indicates you want to change the subject

- settle down (phrasal verb)

  • to get married or find a home and start a family

- go through

  • to live the rest of someone's life
- alone (adjective)
  • to be by yourself without anyone else
- lonely (adjective)
  • to feel sad because you are by yourself or don't have any close personal relationship
- that reminds me
  • a phrase in an attempt to suddenly change the conversation
  • literally means thought something that you want to tell another person
- break up with someone
  • to end romantic relationship with someone (usually when ending boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, not a marriage)
  • ending a marriage = getting divorce or separated
- speaking of (expression)
  • expression is used to introduce a topic which relates to other person's said but it is exactly the same
- type (noun)
  • kind of person whom you are romantically attracted with
- leg man (expression)
  • (informal) a man who might be attracted to women who have long beautiful legs
- and now for something completely different
  • a phrase to change the topic of conversation, but perhaps to make a little joke
- diet (noun)
  • kind of food you eat, normally when someone is trying to lose weight. 
- shedding those pounds
  • to lose weight
- anyway
  • a word to change the topic or talk about something new
- cut out
  • to stop using it or stop eating it
- sweets (noun)
  • anything with a lot of sugars, like candy
- that's none of your business (expression)
  • this expression indicates in anger when someone is asking you about something that doesn't concern them or that you think too personal to talk about
- my sentiments exactly (expression)
  • a phrase used to show that you agree completely with other person has said

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Assignment #3 My thoughts on ESL Cyber Listening Lab

This week's class was interesting. I just learned that there are ways to reduce accent, so that I can speak more like native speaker. I was amazed. I thought that accent is something which can't be helped. There were only two conclusions in my mind to people who can speak like native speaker. First, they are blessed with linguistic gift. Second, they have lived in America or England for a quite long time. However, I may insert another notion. Third, people train diligently their speaking ability.

There are some websites I can use, such as :
1. ESL Cyber Listening Lab
  • Audio files : Inside the conversation, you may learn how native speakers talk and train your listening ability. You can repeat the conversation over and over again.
  • Script : Written conversation is called script, so you can check what you listen from audio files. There is also a text completion, so you can train what you listen by filling in the blanks from the script.
  • Quiz : This questions are exercise to know how deep your understanding towards the conversation.
  • You also can deepen your vocabulary from the text by doing exercises. You also may study new vocabulary and enrich your vocabulary.
  • What makes this website is recommended because it is classified by three levels, such as easy, medium and hard, so you can slowly walk towards your goal.
2. Linking
  • Linking Consonant to Vowel : When a word ends in a consonant sound, we often move the consonant sound to the beginning of the next word if it starts with a vowel sound.
  • Linking Vowel to Vowel : When one word ends with a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we link the words with a sort of Y or sound. It depends on the shape of our mouth at the end of the first word.
  • There are instructions to follow and audio files as an example of the how to do it correctly. If you don't really understand the instructions, you can listen to the audio tapes as your guidance. 
  • Linking does matter. As you train this as a habit, you will find that your accent doesn't really appear in your speaking. Linking is like magic which can cover your trail from being known where you come from.
3. Accent reductions
  • This source is like putting English accent into our accent. It's cool, right? This focuses more on sounds created by word reductions, specifically with the schwa sound (ə) that affects stress and rhythm.There are a helpful table of words that use the schwa sound that you'll encounter in day-to-day conversations.
  • You will know how native speakers speak words with their accent. Linking and Accent reductions are solutions to improve speaking ability. It's not a dream anymore to speak like native speakers.

Finally, it's up to your decision, whether you want to make a change to yourself or not. Only YOU can create a difference on your own. If you can't, no one can. Change starts from you.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Assignment #2 Words from ESL Cyber Listening Lab

1. decent (adjective)

  • (obsolete) Appropriate; suitable for the circumstances
  • (of a person) Having a suitable conformity to basic moral standards; showing integrity, fairness, or other characteristics associated with moral uprightness
  • Sufficiently clothed or dressed to be seen
  • Fair; good enough; okay
  • Significant; substantial
  • (obsolete) Comely; shapely; well-formed
Example : He's a decent saxophonist, but probably not good enough to make a career of it.

2. in charge (adjective)
  • Having the responsibility of leading or overseeing
  • Having the power of command or control
Example : He left his daughter in charge of watching her younger sisters.

3. butcher (verb
  • (transitive) To slaughter (animals) and prepare (meat) for market
  • (transitive) To kill brutally
  • (transitive) To ruin (something), often to the point of defamation
Example : The band at the bar really butchered "Hotel California".

4. lean back (verb)
  •  Move the upper body backwards and down
Example : Her back was as straight as a board, and never did she lean back in her seat.

5. adjustment (noun)
  • The action of adjusting something
  • The result of adjusting something; a small change; a minor correction; a modification or alteration
  • The setting or balancing of a financial account
  • The behavioral process of balancing conflicting needs, or needs against obstacles in the environment
  • The assessment by an insurance company, of a claim; the settlement of such a claim
Example : The credit card company made an adjustment to my account to waive the late fee.

6. massage (noun)
  • the action of rubbing, kneading, or hitting someone's body, to help the person relax, prepare for muscular action (as in contact sports) or to relieve aches
Example : Having a massage can have many beneficial effects.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Assignment #1 Greetings!

Wherever you are, whenever you are, whoever are you, THANK YOU for giving your time to read my blog exclusively published ! My name is Mechelle. I come from Indonesia. Hope you enjoy every moment when you come to my blog !