Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Assignment #4 My notes on episode 1150

- date (noun)

  • involve in a romantic relationship but not yet married or to have a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • romantic appointment with someone who you are romantically interested in
go out with someone
  • to be dating someone 
  • go out on a date with someone
- change the subject
  • to stop talking about one thing and begin talking something else, especially when you don't want to talk about the topic

- you're not getting any younger (expression)

  • an expression means he/she may soon too old to do something
- moving on
  • a phrase indicates you want to change the subject

- settle down (phrasal verb)

  • to get married or find a home and start a family

- go through

  • to live the rest of someone's life
- alone (adjective)
  • to be by yourself without anyone else
- lonely (adjective)
  • to feel sad because you are by yourself or don't have any close personal relationship
- that reminds me
  • a phrase in an attempt to suddenly change the conversation
  • literally means thought something that you want to tell another person
- break up with someone
  • to end romantic relationship with someone (usually when ending boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, not a marriage)
  • ending a marriage = getting divorce or separated
- speaking of (expression)
  • expression is used to introduce a topic which relates to other person's said but it is exactly the same
- type (noun)
  • kind of person whom you are romantically attracted with
- leg man (expression)
  • (informal) a man who might be attracted to women who have long beautiful legs
- and now for something completely different
  • a phrase to change the topic of conversation, but perhaps to make a little joke
- diet (noun)
  • kind of food you eat, normally when someone is trying to lose weight. 
- shedding those pounds
  • to lose weight
- anyway
  • a word to change the topic or talk about something new
- cut out
  • to stop using it or stop eating it
- sweets (noun)
  • anything with a lot of sugars, like candy
- that's none of your business (expression)
  • this expression indicates in anger when someone is asking you about something that doesn't concern them or that you think too personal to talk about
- my sentiments exactly (expression)
  • a phrase used to show that you agree completely with other person has said

1 comment:

  1. Neat, but how about your comments on this site? Do you find it too easy or helpful?
